
Thursday, 26 July 2012

It's my privilege to own you all.

14/07 # Smkbbsl Sports Day.

本来一个毫无特别的日子, 因为他们——麻吉们而与众不同了!

若有时光倒流机 , 我还真的很想回到那一天
这些全部 , 不是一点一滴就能描述出来 

Photographer via TheXClu- Comesky.

4x100m - Silver
4x400m - Gold
400m - Silver

本来参加5项的田径, 2项也因为一些不公平的老师而无故的被取消资格!
那时真的很气愤, 明明就能轻易荣获冠亚季军就这样没了
但也很感动事后很多人来关心我。Aww thanks!

红组 ; Marikh get 2nd at all! 
 终于, 我们拿回了丢失的面子 & 尊严。
曾经讥笑的 , 明年赶快努力奋斗吧! :)

28/07 # Celebration with Buddies. 

So it's simple celebration and fun moments with them @ Mahkota.

For more details and memories of us.

Friends , i'm glad to own you all seriously.  
Appearing of you all make my life colourful and great.
without anyone ,  there's a regretful!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

B'day part 2 @ Suria KLCC.

30/06 - Belated B'day celebration.

So it's a day in Suria KLCC with some buddies ;)
Pictures do  talking :p

Outfit of that day ;)
Thanks for pretty Sylvia borrowed me her red shoes and the Solvil titus watch :p

Thanks for sylvia's mum fetching us to KLCC too!

逛街时间到! 狂吃时间到! 拍照时间到! LOL

MoO-Cowwwwwww . Sour frozen yogurt :3

Thanks my darling Yin for captured these pics :p

Lunch time @ Ben's.

It's just very simple taste and costly . 

Flighty pattern and i know it looks disgust HAHA.


The end of the moment of that day :D

学会了领悟, 体会 , 忍耐 , 坚强!

很多事, 不是不分享出来
而是我觉得没人能够体会这一切, 所以我选择了沉默 ;)
一切会过去的 ! Smile*

Sadness, please go away from me for recently!

Monday, 2 July 2012

B'day of 2012 part 1.

Attention here * I've deleted my previous blog.

So it's my new beginning with my new post here :D

28/06 - Suprised earlier B'day celebration from 4J BUDDIES.

 I'm hiding outside for the class and captured their preparation

I'm so grateful for the present from you guys!!!


A slice of Mocha Cheese by Shermaine. Nomnom!


A happiness girl which get feeding from evrybody :p

麻吉们 , 真的很高兴认识你们这班疯子!

 To be continue and stay tuned...